Hypothesis (What I think will happen)

I think that the small plane will fly further because it is smaller and has less weight, meanwhile, the big plane has more weight in it even tho it has bigger wings it will become slower, and the small plane will absorb more air resistance even real small planes are faster than big planes.


We are learning fair testing, fair testing is testing things fairly, For example, if you wanted to find out how the incline of a ramp impacts the distance a toy car rolls, you would set up several different ramps (of the same length) at different inclines and let the same car roll down each and measure the distance traveled.

The first paper plane was made around 200 years ago.

The longest distance ever flown by a paper plane was 88.1 metres.

There are four forces that act on the paper plane when it is flying.

  • Thrust, how fast it is pushed
  • Lift, how much wing area can be pushed up
  • Gravity, pulls the plane down
  • Drag, slows the plane down

This video shows some information about how paper planes fly. I thought that it does a great job explaining how to make a great paper plane.


  • A4 paper
  • A5 paper
  • Chalk
  • Metre stick

Steps (Method)

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