Matariki Task Blog

The past weeks we’ve been learning about Matariki, we have activities about it in My Student Dashboard.

The class has been working on the task about Matariki and it was pretty easy, we had 2 tasks on the site called Journal 3 and Journal 4, in the Journal 3 task was on Google Slides, the task asked me about why Tawhirimatea threw his eyes into the sky, I answered because he was mad about his brothers separating his parents, he wanted revenge but he lost. The next slide was a question about what I do when I’m angry and sad, I answered “If I’m very mad I’ll go talk to a therapist, but if I’m just mad I’ll just go drink water and go to bed, I’ll do the same if I’m sad.

Next Task I was asked what weather I like the most and replied “I like it when it’s in the morning while the sky is pink and the clouds are altocumulus, while the wind is still and warm but the atmosphere is cold.”

Samoan Language Week Slide

Last week we made a slide about Samoan Language Week, and our teacher made us choose a category about Samoa, I chose a slide about food because it’s much easier than the other category, but you can change your category when you finish. So I went to Google Slides and started.

I got some photos of Samoan dishes like Panikeke made by using dough and deep fry and it looked tasty.

I made another slide about another Samoan dish called Pani Popo, they looked pretty good because they are made of coconut milk, they are baked and fluffy. but to be honest they looked like normal bread.

And I finally did a last slide about another Samoan dish that looks like sushi called Umu, it’s made up of coconuts wrapped in banana leaves.

Here is the link to the slide if you wanna see it (not recommended)  LINKY

Fake News Blog

For wananga, we needed to make a poster about fake news, so I went to Canva and started working on it, I made a wanted poster about  my friend Hunter, I started by getting a newspaper template so it’s easier, I needed a consent to use Hunter’s face so I can use it in my wanted poster, fortunately, he said yes, so I placed his face in my wanted poster and I finished some things and added some criminal stuffs he did. I wanted to make it believable as possible .

very epic

Ramp it up


My hypothesis is that the ping pong ball will go further because it’s lighter and has more air inside, meanwhile, the marble ball is heavier and will go slower.


We made the ramp by getting a metal bowl and wood, we placed the bowl in the bottom and then placed the wood on top so it would be tilted.


Test Ping pong ball Marble
1 2.28 3.8
2 1.14 3.3
3 0.9 4.17
Average 1.44 3.76



In conclusion, my hypothesis was incorrecct, I was wrong about the ping pong ball going further than the marble because the marble got more weight, the more weight the faster the speed because it’s heavy, and the air resistance can’t keep it up, it has more momentum. The ping pong ball has less weight and has air inside so it will go flying.

Long Jump

The objective of the long jump is simple, the rules of the long jump are quite straightforward. The athlete runs down a runway and jumps off a takeoff board, trying to cover the maximum distance possible. The jump is measured from the takeoff board to the nearest mark in the sand made by any part of the athlete’s body.

The approach run is essentially the sprint towards the take-off board barring the final two steps, a long jumper has 40m of track available to them and in theory, using the full distance is ideal to build up top speeds and consequently maximum forward momentum before starting the leap.



In our dance lessons, we learned about dances like cannoning and unison, connoning means people do something but it’s delayed, and unison means it just means they do the same dance simultaneously. We learned about Fortnite dance and tiktok dances, and we learned how to do the shuffling and moonwalk

Paper Plane Experiment

Hypothesis (What I think will happen)

I think that the small plane will fly further because it is smaller and has less weight, meanwhile, the big plane has more weight in it even tho it has bigger wings it will become slower, and the small plane will absorb more air resistance even real small planes are faster than big planes.


We are learning fair testing, fair testing is testing things fairly, For example, if you wanted to find out how the incline of a ramp impacts the distance a toy car rolls, you would set up several different ramps (of the same length) at different inclines and let the same car roll down each and measure the distance traveled.

The first paper plane was made around 200 years ago.

The longest distance ever flown by a paper plane was 88.1 metres.

There are four forces that act on the paper plane when it is flying.

  • Thrust, how fast it is pushed
  • Lift, how much wing area can be pushed up
  • Gravity, pulls the plane down
  • Drag, slows the plane down

This video shows some information about how paper planes fly. I thought that it does a great job explaining how to make a great paper plane.


  • A4 paper
  • A5 paper
  • Chalk
  • Metre stick

Steps (Method)

Waka hourua

We are making a waka hourua using popsicle sticks and a hot glue gun, we started off by getting 6 popsicle sticks for each person, my group was me, Hunter, Daniel, Nathan, and Ryan. we started off by gluing 4 popsicle sticks like a hashtag to support the waka hourua, and then we glued more popsicle sticks for it to look better while gluing Daniel accidentally touched the hot glue and then touched Hunter making Hunter burn his finger also, then we added the sail and a cloth, and then I burnt my finger also because Daniel is playing with it like slime. and then we made the hull, we arent done yet but we can continue in monday

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